Call TBF Computing - +1 (770) 977-2925
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 ACER ACERPOWER FH - CORE2 - 2GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 ACER VERITON M2611G - PENTIUM G645 - 4GB - 500GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 APPLE A1347 - 2 x other (notes) - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 500GB - 2 x cpu=corei5-4260u ; 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x dentedcorner

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 APPLE A1481 - 2 x XEON E5-1650 V2 - 2 x 31.9990234375GB - 2 x NO HD - 2 x radeonhd7870xt

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 APPLE A1993 - 2 x other (notes) - 2 x 16GB - 2 x 128GB - 2 x cpu=corei7-8700b

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE A2348 - other (notes) - 16GB - 256GB - 1 x unknowncpuspeed ; 1 x cpu=applem1

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 BEELINK BT3-X - 3 x CELERON - 3 x 4GB - 1 x 62GB SSD ; 1 x 61GB SSD ; 1 x NO HD - 2 x bottomcovermissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 COMPAQ D300S - PENTIUM(R) 4 - 384MB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 COMPAQ EVO D510 CMT - PENTIUM(R) 4 - 256MB - NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 COMPAQ PRESARIO 5004US - other (notes) - 128MB - NO HD - 1 x cpuisathlon1100

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 CUTLER HAMMER 7600C - 2 x other (notes) - 2 x 512MB - 2 x NO HD - 2 x cpu=viaeden

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL 909658-22L - AMD GX-415GA SOC WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 2GB - 16GB

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL DCCY1F - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL DCSLF - CORE2 - 3GB - NO HD - 1 x crackedplastic

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL DIMENSION 2350 - PENTIUM 4 - 768MB - 40GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL DIMENSION 4600 - PENTIUM 4 - 2.5GB - NO HD - 1 x sidepanelmissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL DV051 - 3 x PENTIUM 4 - 3 x 2GB - 2 x NO HD ; 1 x 160GB HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 13 DELL INSPIRON 3252 - 13 x PENTIUM N3700 - 13 x 4GB - 11 x 500GB HD ; 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 500GB - 3 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x badopticaldrive

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL INSPIRON 3647 - 1 x PENTIUM G3240 ; 1 x CELERON - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x frontpanelmissing
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 DELL INSPIRON 3847 - 2 x PENTIUM G3250 ; 1 x PENTIUM G3240 ; 1 x PENTIUM G3260 - 4 x 4GB - 4 x NO HD - 1 x baycovermissing ; 1 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 545S - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5400 - 2GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 580S - I3 - 8GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL INSPIRON 660 - 2 x PENTIUM G2030 - 2 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x frontusbcoverhingebroken ; 1 x 3ghz

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 170L - PENTIUM 4 - 2GB - NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 210L - PENTIUM 4 - 1GB - 80GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 77 DELL OPTIPLEX 3010 - 76 x i5 3rd gen ; 1 x i3 3rd gen - 40 x 8GB ; 37 x 4GB - 73 x NO HD ; 4 x 250GB HD - 9 x dentsonoutside ; 8 x missinghdcaddy ; 3 x baycovermissing ; 1 x crackedfrontcover ; 1 x onedimmslotdamaged ; 1 x unitisdirty ; 1 x dentsonoutsideoffrontcover ; 1 x unitverydirty ; 1 x oneplasticclipbrokenoffonfrontcover ; 1 x pcicardlatchbent ; 1 x plasticonopticaldriveisdented ; 1 x frontcornerhasbrokencliponbutton ; 1 x bigonside ; 1 x paintonfrontpanel ; 1 x stickerresidueonfrontpanel ; 1 x stickerresidue ; 1 x liddoesnotclose ; 1 x missingharddrivecaddy ; 1 x smalldentsonoutsidefrontcover
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 7 DELL OPTIPLEX 3020 - 7 x i5 4th gen - 6 x 8GB ; 1 x 4GB - 6 x NO HD ; 1 x 500GB HD - 2 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x deepscratchonside ; 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x stickerresidue ; 1 x missingscrew ; 1 x crackedplasticonrear
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 3060 - i3 8th gen - 0 - NO HD HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 330 - PENTIUM DUAL E2160 - 2.5GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 12 DELL OPTIPLEX 360 - 10 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5300 ; 1 x CORE2 ; 1 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5200 - 11 x 4GB ; 1 x 1GB - 9 x 250GB HD ; 2 x NO HD ; 1 x 160GB HD - 1 x liddoesnotclose ; 1 x crackedplastic

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 DELL OPTIPLEX 380 - 4 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB ; 1 x 2GB ; 1 x 8GB - 3 x NO HD ; 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x baycovermissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 390 - PENTIUM G630 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x noheatsink

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 - i5 3rd gen - 4GB - 250GB SSD - 1 x dentfrontcover
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 20 DELL OPTIPLEX 7040 - 20 x i7 6th gen - 19 x 8GB ; 1 x 16GB - 13 x 500GB HD ; 7 x 250GB HD - 5 x stickerresidue ; 2 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x frontcovermissing ; 1 x frontcoverdamaged ; 1 x frontpanelpiecemissing
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 111 DELL OPTIPLEX 7050 - 111 x i7 6th gen - 111 x 8GB - 81 x 500GB HD ; 22 x 250GB HD ; 4 x 500GB ; 3 x 320GB HD ; 1 x 250GB - 39 x dentsonoutside ; 27 x videocardleftinunituponspecialinstruction ; 8 x missingharddrivecaddy ; 4 x videocardleftinunituponspecialrequest ; 1 x verysmalldentsonoutsideandfrontcover ; 1 x verytinydentsonoutsidefrontcover ; 1 x frontcovercracked ; 1 x missingsidecoverlatch ; 1 x stickerresidue ; 1 x sidecoverlatchmissing ; 1 x leftvideocardinunituponspecialinstruction ; 1 x videocaredleftinunituponspecialinstruction ; 1 x videocardleftinuponspecialinstruction ; 1 x missinghdcaddy ; 1 x leftonvideocardinunituponspecialinstructio ; 1 x videocardleftinunituponspecialinstructions
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL OPTIPLEX 745 - 2 x PENTIUM D ; 1 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB ; 1 x 1GB - 2 x 160GB HD ; 1 x NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL OPTIPLEX 760 - 3 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB ; 1 x 4GB - 1 x 80GB HD ; 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x verysmalldentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL OPTIPLEX 780 - 3 x CORE2 - 2 x 3GB ; 1 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD ; 1 x 250GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL OPTIPLEX 790 - 2 x i5 2nd gen - 1 x 8GB ; 1 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD - 1 x noPSU
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 28 DELL OPTIPLEX 960 - 28 x CORE2 - 16 x 4GB ; 6 x 8GB ; 3 x 2GB ; 2 x 1GB ; 1 x 3GB - 12 x NO HD ; 6 x 120GB SSD ; 3 x 250GB HD ; 3 x 128GB SSD ; 2 x 80GB HD ; 2 x 160GB HD - 6 x dentsonoutside ; 4 x missingplasticfrontplate ; 3 x missingpciplasticclip ; 3 x noPSU ; 2 x missingfrontcoverpiece ; 2 x missingpcislotclipcover ; 1 x frontcoverbroken ; 1 x cornerdented ; 1 x bottomdented ; 1 x delloptiplex960dcne1fdesktop2gb250gbseenotes ; 1 x 115-230v ; 1 x powerbuttoncovermissing ; 1 x frontcoverclipsbroken ; 1 x topisbent ; 1 x missingfrontcoverplastic ; 1 x pciclampsbent

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX GX1 - PENTIUM III - 256MB - NO HD - 1 x manualinventory

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL OPTIPLEX GX100 - 2 x CELERON - 1 x 128MB ; 1 x 64MB - 2 x NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX GX270 - PENTIUM 4 - 3GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL OPTIPLEX GX520 - CELERON - 1GB - 80GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL OPTIPLEX GX620 - 1 x PENTIUM 4 ; 1 x PENTIUM D - 1 x 2GB ; 1 x 1GB - 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 160GB HD - 2 x baycovermissing ; 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x topcovermissing ; 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x rearplasticcoverdamaged

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 170 DELL OPTIPLEX XE - 169 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5300 ; 1 x CORE2 - 169 x 2GB ; 1 x 4GB - 170 x NO HD - 18 x missingpciclampcover ; 17 x frontusbcovermissing ; 15 x dentsonoutside ; 12 x pciclampmissing ; 8 x noPSU ; 7 x pciclampmissingcover ; 4 x missingpciplasticclamp ; 4 x missingusbcoveronfront ; 4 x missingpciclampplasticcover ; 3 x missingusbfrontcover ; 3 x missingfrontusbcover ; 3 x replacedpsu ; 2 x missingpcieclampcover ; 2 x brokenplasticontop ; 2 x missingfaceplate ; 1 x frontcoverdented ; 1 x pcicoverplasticclipismissing ; 1 x frontpanelclipsbroken ; 1 x powerbuttonbroken ; 1 x faceplatemissing ; 1 x frontbadlydented ; 1 x middingpciclampcover ; 1 x sidepanelejecthandlebent ; 1 x brokendiskdrive ; 1 x brokenpowerbutton ; 1 x sidecoverclampisdamaged ; 1 x sidepanelejectionhandlebent ; 1 x usbcovermissingonfront ; 1 x sidecoverclampmissingplasticcover ; 1 x bottomdent

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 22 DELL OPTIPLEX XE2 - 22 x PENTIUM G3420 - 22 x 4GB - 22 x NO HD - 3 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x noPSU ; 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x missingdrivecage ; 1 x smalldentsinfront ; 1 x cdcagemissing ; 1 x tinydentonfrontpanel ; 1 x dentonback ; 1 x smalldentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL POWEREDGE R320 - XEON E5-2407 V2 - 16GB - NO HD - 1 x bentsidepanel
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL STUDIO XPS 8000 - I7 - 8GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL VOSTRO 200 - 2 x 2140 ; 1 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB ; 1 x 3GB - 1 x 250GB HD ; 1 x 40GB HD ; 1 x 250GB SSD - 1 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 DELL VOSTRO 220 - 5 x CORE2 - 4 x 2GB ; 1 x 4GB - 2 x 250GB HD ; 1 x 320GB HD ; 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 80GB HD - 3 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x 115-230v

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 11 DELL VOSTRO 230 - 9 x CORE2 ; 2 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5400 - 6 x 2GB ; 3 x 4GB ; 2 x 3GB - 7 x NO HD ; 2 x 160GB HD ; 1 x 320GB HD ; 1 x 250GB HD - 7 x dentsonoutside ; 2 x frontcovermissing ; 1 x opticaldrivedamaged ; 1 x sidepanelmissing ; 1 x bentrear

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL VOSTRO 260 - 3 x i3 2nd gen - 3 x 4GB - 3 x 250GB HD - 2 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL XPS 8500 - i7 3rd gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DYNICS BTMDDJAA9ACPRXX - CELERON - 2GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 EVEREX ET2400 - DUO T2450 - 2GB - 160GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 GATEWAY 2000 P5-120 - PENTIUM - Other (See Note) - NO HD - 1 x 48mbram

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 110-016 - PENTIUM G2020T - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP 2ZV00AT-ABA - 3 x other (notes) - 3 x 8GB - 3 x 32GB - 3 x amdgx-420gi

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 400-314 - AMD E1-2500 APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 500-410 - PENTIUM G3260 - 4GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 500B MT - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5700 - 4GB - 160GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 505B MT - AMD - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP 505B PC - 3 x AMD - 1 x 4GB ; 1 x 2GB ; 1 x 3GB - 3 x NO HD - 2 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x dentonfront

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 19 HP 7QW06UP-ABA - 19 x other (notes) - 19 x 4GB - 19 x 16GB - 19 x amdgx-420gi ; 3 x missingrearfaceplate

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP AY643AA-ABA S5310F - AMD - 4GB - 640GB HD - 1 x missingdrivebaycover

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP C2731A - other (notes) - Other (See Note) - NO HD - 1 x 10mbram ; 1 x inteli960cf

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 28 HP COMPAQ 4000 PRO PC - 9 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5800 ; 9 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E6600 ; 5 x CELERON ; 3 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E6700 ; 2 x CORE2 - 18 x 4GB ; 4 x 2GB ; 3 x 8GB ; 3 x 3GB - 15 x NO HD ; 9 x 250GB HD ; 3 x 500GB HD ; 1 x 80GB HD - 5 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x topcovermissing ; 1 x noPSU ; 1 x cd-drivenotworking ; 1 x noPSUfan

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 500B MT - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5400 - 4GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 505B PC - 2 x AMD - 1 x 4GB ; 1 x 1GB - 2 x NO HD - 2 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x sidepanelmissing ; 1 x bottomdented

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 6000 PRO PC - 2 x CORE2 - 1 x 4GB ; 1 x 3GB - 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 160GB HD - 1 x liddoesnotclose ; 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x bentlowerframe
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP COMPAQ 6005 PRO PC - 5 x AMD - 4 x 4GB ; 1 x 2GB - 3 x NO HD ; 2 x 160GB HD - 1 x casebentinrear
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 8000 ELITE PC - 2 x CORE2 - 1 x 4GB ; 1 x 8GB - 1 x NO HD ; 1 x 750GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP COMPAQ 8000 ELITE USDT - 3 x CORE2 - 3 x 4GB - 2 x 250GB HD ; 1 x NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 HP COMPAQ 8000 ELITE USDT PC - 4 x CORE2 - 4 x 4GB - 4 x NO HD - 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x baycovermissing
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 8000F ELITE USDT PC - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 160GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ COMPAQ DC5100 - PENTIUM 4 - 1GB - 80GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DC5000 SFF - PENTIUM 4 - 512MB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DC5100 - PENTIUM 4 - 512MB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DC5100 MT - PENTIUM(R) 4 - 2GB - NO HD - 1 x manualinventory

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DC5800 - CORE2 - 2GB - NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DC7100 CMT - PENTIUM 4 - 2GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ DC7600 - 1 x PENTIUM 4 ; 1 x PENTIUM(R) 4 - 1 x 4GB ; 1 x 1GB - 2 x NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP COMPAQ DX2000 - 3 x PENTIUM 4 - 3 x 512MB - 2 x NO HD ; 1 x 40GB HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ DX2000 MT - PENTIUM 4 - 512MB - NO HD - 1 x baycovermissing ; 1 x floppydrivecovermissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 HP COMPAQ DX2400 - 2 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5200 ; 1 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5300 ; 1 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB ; 2 x 2GB - 2 x 160GB HD ; 2 x NO HD - 3 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x frontpanelclipsbroken ; 1 x 6ghz ; 1 x 2

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP COMPAQ DX7500 - 5 x CORE2 - 3 x 3GB ; 1 x 2GB ; 1 x 4GB - 5 x 80GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ PRO 4300 PC - i3 3rd gen - 4GB - NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ PRO 6305 - AMD A4-5300B APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 4GB - 500GB HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP DC5000 - PENTIUM 4 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP ELITEDESK 800 G1 - 5 x i5 4th gen - 5 x 8GB - 3 x 500GB HD ; 1 x 250GB HD ; 1 x 120GB SSD - 4 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x baycovermissing
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 HP ELITEDESK 800 G1 DM - 4 x i5 4th gen - 4 x 8GB - 4 x NO HD - 1 x antennaloose ; 1 x missingantennacover ; 1 x missingwifiantenna ; 1 x missingwifiantennacover
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP ELITEDESK 800 G1 TWR - 2 x i5 4th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x NO HD - 2 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 65 HP ELITEDESK 800 G3 DM 35W - 65 x i5 7th gen - 65 x 8GB - 50 x 256GB SSD ; 8 x 250GB SSD ; 6 x 128GB SSD ; 1 x 256GB - 4 x missingwifiantennacover ; 2 x wifiantennabent
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP F5A53AT-ABA - 2 x AMD GX-217GA SOC WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 16GB

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP FQ582AA-ABA SR5710F - AMD - 3GB - NO HD - 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x baycovermissing ; 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP KAYAK XA - p2 - 192MB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP P6674Y - AMD PHENOM II X4 830 - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PAVILION A710N - AMD - 512MB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRO 3000 PC - CORE2 - 2GB - 160GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRO 3405 - AMD A6-3650 APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x sidecovermissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRO 3500 - i5 3rd gen - 4GB - 500GB HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 356 HP PRODESK 400 G1 - 317 x i5 4th gen ; 38 x i3 4th gen ; 1 x PENTIUM G3420 - 351 x 8GB ; 4 x 4GB ; 1 x 12GB - 316 x 500GB HD ; 30 x 250GB HD ; 4 x 500GB ; 2 x NO HD ; 1 x 250GB ; 1 x 128GB SSD ; 1 x 400GB HD ; 1 x 640GB HD - 149 x dentsonoutside ; 12 x bentrear ; 6 x smalldentsonoutside ; 3 x bentsidecoverlatch ; 2 x dentoncorner ; 2 x slightlybentside ; 2 x bentside ; 2 x sidecoverlatchbent ; 1 x smalldentsonoutsideoffrontplasticcover ; 1 x coverlatchbent ; 1 x bentlatch ; 1 x bentonrear ; 1 x sidesslightlybent ; 1 x frontplasticcoverhascrackedplasticcorner ; 1 x loosefrontcover ; 1 x sidepanelhandelbent ; 1 x verysmalldentsonoutside ; 1 x curvedside ; 1 x bentcoverlatch ; 1 x sidecoverlatchisbent ; 1 x bentlid ; 1 x verysmalldentsonoutsideandtop ; 1 x opticaldrivemissing ; 1 x smalldentsonoutsideplasticcover ; 1 x manualinv ; 1 x badnic ; 1 x onedimmslotdoesnotwork ; 1 x benttopcover ; 1 x dentonfrontcover ; 1 x smalldentsonside ; 1 x nicbad ; 1 x onedimmslotnotworking ; 1 x ontop ; 1 x noiseyfan ; 1 x benttopcoverlatch ; 1 x smallknickonfrontplasticpanel ; 1 x smalldentsonoutsidecorner ; 1 x topcoverhandlebent ; 1 x crackonfrontplasticpanel ; 1 x coverlatchslightlybent
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 148 HP PRODESK 400 G2.5 - 148 x i5 4th gen - 142 x 8GB ; 6 x 4GB - 140 x 500GB HD ; 6 x NO HD ; 2 x 640GB HD - 41 x dentsonoutside ; 20 x frontcovermissing ; 4 x missinghdcage ; 3 x baycovermissing ; 3 x frontcovercracked ; 3 x sidepanelmissing ; 2 x noisyfan ; 2 x bottomdented ; 1 x frontcoverbroken ; 1 x frontcovercornercracked ; 1 x frontcoverdented ; 1 x drivecagebent ; 1 x frontusbnotworking ; 1 x cornerofsidepaneldented ; 1 x plasticaroundpowerbuttoncracked ; 1 x badcasefan ; 1 x liddoesnotclose ; 1 x missingdrivecage
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRODESK 400 G3 DM - i3 6th gen - 0 - NO HD HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PRODESK 405 G1 - 2 x AMD A4-5000 APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 2 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside ; 1 x sidecovermissing

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRODESK 405 G1 MT - AMD A4-5000 APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 4GB - 500GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP PRODESK 600 G1 - 4 x i3 4th gen ; 1 x i5 4th gen - 4 x 4GB ; 1 x 8GB - 4 x NO HD ; 1 x 500GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PRODESK 600 G1 DM - i5 4th gen - 4GB - NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROLIANT DL380 G7 - XEON E5640 - 8GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP S3200N - AMD - 2GB - NO HD - 1 x drivecoverloose

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP S5-1010 - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E6700 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP TPC-W016 - AMD GX-212JC SOC WITH RADEON R2E GRAPHICS - 8GB - 8GB

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 IBM NETVISTA - PENTIUM(R) 4 - 256MB - NO HD - 1 x wouldonlywithoriginalram ; 1 x nonspecgather-able

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 IDEALSTOR BA4U-1E - XEON E5-2609 V2 - 8GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO 3246B4U - I3 - 4GB - 320GB HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO H405 - 3 x AMD - 2 x 4GB ; 1 x 8GB - 3 x NO HD - 1 x noPSU

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 30 LENOVO IDEACENTRE Q190 - 30 x CELERON - 30 x 4GB - 29 x 500GB HD ; 1 x NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKCENTRE 8183-32U - PENTIUM(R) 4 - 256MB - NO HD - 1 x manualinventory
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKCENTRE A62 - 2 x AMD - 2 x 2GB - 2 x 160GB HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M55P - CORE2 - 1GB - 80GB HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M58 - 2 x PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5700 - 2 x 2GB - 2 x NO HD - 1 x frontcovermissing
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 18 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M600 - 17 x PENTIUM J3710 ; 1 x PENTIUM N3700 - 18 x 4GB - 13 x 500GB HD ; 5 x NO HD - 13 x internalcpu ; 4 x liddoesnotclose
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M60E - 6 x i3 10th gen - 3 x 8GB ; 3 x 16GB - 5 x 256GB SSD ; 1 x 128GB SSD - 3 x internalcpu
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M630E - 6 x i3 8th gen - 4 x 8GB ; 2 x 0 - 2 x 128GB SSD ; 2 x 256GB SSD ; 1 x 128GB ; 1 x NO HD - 2 x internalcpu ; 1 x casedoesnotfitonfully ; 1 x missingbottompanel
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M715Q - 2 x AMD PRO A10-9700E R7, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C 6G - 2 x 8GB - 2 x NO HD
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKCENTRE M73 - 1 x i5 4th gen ; 1 x other (notes) - 1 x 8GB ; 1 x 4GB - 1 x 500GB HD ; 1 x NO HD - 1 x snmj03hrxa ; 1 x biospw ; 1 x cpuiscelerong1840t
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SENECA OEM-F210-BZ260P - ATOM - 2GB - 64GB SSD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SHUTTLE SG31 - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE E5300 - 2GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 32 SHUTTLE SHUTTLE XPC - 28 x other (notes) ; 4 x CELERON - 32 x 8GB - 28 x 256GB ; 4 x 256GB SSD - 28 x celeron3865u

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SUPERMICRO 5036T-T - XEON E5606 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SYSTEMAX SYX-P5KPL-CM - CELERON - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x dentsonoutside

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 SYSTIUM TECHNOLOGIES 250 - 2 x CELERON - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 32GB SSD - 1 x unitgetshot ; 1 x fanontopnotworking

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 TELECO D915GAV - CELERON - 1GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 VIVOTEK ND8401 - ATOM - 4GB - NO HD

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 XEROX EX-P 100-I - XEON E5-2637 V2 - 16GB - NO HD