Call TBF Computing - +1 (770) 977-2925
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 ACER TRAVELMATE P278-MG - i7 6th gen - 16GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x difficulttoadjustramunderneathkeyboardupsidedown - 1 x badbattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE 15-INCH, LATE 2008 - CORE2 - 4GB - 500GB SSD - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentsonbottom - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE 20-INCH, MID 2007 - CORE2 - 1GB - 320GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 19 APPLE 2021 MACPRO 14 - 19 x other (notes) - 19 x 16GB - 19 x 256GB - 19 x applem12021macpro14in16gb256gb8coreapplem1prochip - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE MACBOOK AIR 11-INCH, EARLY 2014 - i5 4th gen - 4GB - 121GB SSD - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x somekeysareloose - 1 x cornerdented - 1 x trackpadcracked - 1 x keyboard - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE MACBOOK AIR 13-INCH, EARLY 2014 - i7 4th gen - 8GB - 500GB SSD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x includedbatterydoesnotholdcharge - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 APPLE MACBOOK AIR 13-INCH, MID 2012 - i5 3rd gen - 4GB - 121GB SSD - 1 x damagetocorner - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 ASUSTEK VIVOBOOK_ASUSLAPTOP E410MAB_L410MA - CELERON - 4GB - 62GB SSD - 1 x loosescreenbezel - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 15 3510 - PENTIUM SILVER N5030 - 4GB - 128GB SSD - 1 x stickerresidueonfrontcover - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 1525 - CORE2 - 4GB - 500GB HD - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 2650 - CELERON - 256MB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x cpuisceleronm - 1 x noreplacement - 1 x badbattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 5447 - i5 4th gen - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x badkbd - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON 5579 - i7 8th gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x missinghdcaddy - 1 x badkbd - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL INSPIRON N5030 - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE T4500 - 3GB - 320GB HD - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 16 DELL LATITUDE 3189 - 16 x PENTIUM N4200 - 16 x 4GB - 12 x 128GB SSD - 3 x 128GB - 1 x 256GB SSD - 2 x onekeynotattached - 1 x wedonthaveram - 1 x backnotflushnearpowersupplyport - 1 x crackedback - 1 x nobattery - 15 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 DELL LATITUDE 5400 - 3 x i5 8th gen - 3 x i7 8th gen - 6 x 8GB - 3 x 512GB SSD - 3 x 256GB SSD - 2 x crackedbackcover - 1 x bezelrubbercomingoff - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 5 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 8 DELL LATITUDE 5401 - 8 x i5 9th gen - 8 x 8GB - 8 x 256GB SSD - 5 x backpanelcracked - 4 x crackedplastic - 2 x dentsonoutside - 1 x cornerdented - 1 x stickerresidue - 1 x keymissing - 1 x rubberaroundbezelloose - 1 x backpanelmeltedinspots - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 5410 - i7 10th gen - 8GB - 256GB - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 5411 - i7 10th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 DELL LATITUDE 5420 - 3 x i5 11th gen - 1 x i7 11th gen - 4 x 8GB - 2 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 256GB - 1 x 512GB SSD - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x crackedbackcover - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentoncorner - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 5440 - i7 13th gen - 8GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 21 DELL LATITUDE 5480 - 21 x i5 6th gen - 20 x 8GB - 1 x 16GB - 13 x 500GB HD - 5 x 256GB SSD - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 320GB - 11 x crackedplastic - 4 x nobattery - 3 x wedonthavebattery - 2 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentoncorner - 1 x missingbottom - 1 x verystickykeyboard - 1 x bottomcracked - 1 x bezelrubberloose - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 17 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 14 DELL LATITUDE 5490 - 11 x i5 8th gen - 3 x i5 7th gen - 14 x 8GB - 5 x 512GB SSD - 4 x 500GB HD - 4 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB - 6 x smallcrackinbottomcovervisibleonlyifbottomisflexed - 5 x crackedplastic - 3 x screenbezeldamaged - 2 x crackedbackcover - 1 x nobattery - 1 x crackinbackcover - 1 x crackedbackpanel - 1 x rubberaroundbezelloose - 1 x sideoflcdframecracked - 1 x crackcorneronbackcover - 13 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 5500 - i7 8th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - 1 x bezelrubberloose - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL LATITUDE 5590 - 1 x i5 8th gen - 1 x i7 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x 256GB - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x bottomcoverhascosmeticbubblinganddamage - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL LATITUDE 6430U - 2 x i7 3rd gen - 1 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 2 x 256GB SSD - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x trackpad - 1 x somekeysdontwork - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 13 DELL LATITUDE 7280 - 13 x i5 7th gen - 13 x 8GB - 9 x 512GB SSD - 3 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 14GB SSD - 3 x dentsonoutside - 2 x nobattery - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x stickykeys - 1 x missingonerubberstopperonbottom - 1 x delllogoispartiallywornoffontop - 1 x w - 11 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 20 DELL LATITUDE 7290 - 20 x i5 8th gen - 20 x 8GB - 13 x 512GB SSD - 4 x NO HD - 2 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 500GB SSD - 6 x dentsonoutside - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x nobattery - 1 x crackbottomcover - 1 x stickykeys - 1 x rubberstriponbottomtapedon - 1 x trackpadbuttonsdontwork - 1 x lcdhasseveralbluepixelsontopleftcorner - 19 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 DELL LATITUDE 7300 - 3 x i7 8th gen - 2 x i5 8th gen - 5 x 8GB - 3 x 512GB SSD - 2 x NO HD - 2 x stickykeys - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x worncorners - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 7390 2-IN-1 - i7 8th gen - 16GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x somekeysdontwork - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE 7440 - i7 13th gen - 32.03125GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x paintscrubbedoffontopcover - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL LATITUDE 7490 - 2 x i5 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 512GB SSD - 2 x nobattery - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE C400 - PENTIUM III MOBILE - 512MB - NO HD - 1 x hdcoverbrokenandmissingscrew - 1 x unabletobootintospecgather - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL LATITUDE C640 - 2 x PENTIUM P4 M - 1 x MOBILE PENTIUM 4 - M - 3 x 512MB - 3 x NO HD - 2 x unabletobootintospecgather - 1 x missingblank - 1 x hdcovermissing - 1 x backramcovermissing - 1 x ramcovermissing - 1 x keymissing - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE E5400 - CORE2 - 2GB - 80GB HD - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 12 DELL LATITUDE E5420 - 7 x i5 2nd gen - 5 x i3 2nd gen - 10 x 4GB - 1 x 2GB - 1 x 8GB - 5 x 320GB HD - 3 x 250GB HD - 3 x NO HD - 1 x 180GB SSD - 12 x nobattery - 9 x dentsonoutside - 8 x wedonthavebattery - 8 x crackedplastic - 1 x hingecovercracked - 1 x topcoverloose - 1 x plasticmissingfromdrivebay - 1 x hingecracked - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x heavyscratchontop - 1 x topcovercomingloosefrombezel - 1 x hingecovermissing - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 15 DELL LATITUDE E5430 - 14 x i5 3rd gen - 1 x i3 3rd gen - 13 x 4GB - 1 x 2GB - 1 x 8GB - 11 x 320GB HD - 3 x NO HD - 1 x 320GB - 12 x nobattery - 9 x wedonthavebattery - 9 x crackedplastic - 6 x dentsonoutside - 2 x damagedhingecover - 2 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x opticaldrivemissing - 3 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 16 DELL LATITUDE E5440 - 14 x i5 4th gen - 2 x i3 4th gen - 9 x 4GB - 7 x 8GB - 7 x 500GB HD - 6 x NO HD - 2 x 320GB HD - 1 x 250GB SSD - 9 x crackedplastic - 6 x screwaremissing - 3 x nobattery - 3 x missinghdcaddy - 2 x missingscrews - 1 x bezelrubbercomingoff - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x batteryclipbrokenoff - 1 x topdented - 1 x missinghdcaddyandopticalfrontplastic - 13 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 DELL LATITUDE E5450 - 6 x i5 5th gen - 4 x 4GB - 2 x 8GB - 3 x 500GB HD - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 2 x bezelrubbermissing - 2 x nobattery - 2 x screenbezeldamaged - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x bezelrubbercomingloose - 1 x dentsonoutside - 4 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 11 DELL LATITUDE E5470 - 10 x i5 6th gen - 1 x i7 6th gen - 5 x 4GB - 5 x 8GB - 1 x 16GB - 8 x 500GB HD - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 500GB - 10 x crackedplastic - 7 x screenbezeldamaged - 2 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x nobatterytotest - 9 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 7 DELL LATITUDE E5500 - 7 x CORE2 - 3 x 4GB - 2 x 3GB - 2 x 2GB - 4 x NO HD - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 250GB SSD - 1 x 160GB HD - 2 x crackedplastic - 2 x nobattery - 1 x somekeysdontwork - 1 x keymissing - 1 x bottomcovermissing - 1 x crackedfront - 1 x crackedplasticofpalmrest - 1 x trackpadhascosmeticcrackinit - 1 x dentonkeycap - 5 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE E6320 - i5 2nd gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x nobatterytotest - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 15 DELL LATITUDE E6400 - 15 x CORE2 - 11 x 2GB - 4 x 4GB - 9 x 160GB HD - 2 x 128GB SSD - 2 x 250GB HD - 1 x 250GB SSD - 1 x 160GB SSD - 6 x nobattery - 2 x dentsonoutside - 2 x crackedplastic - 2 x keymissing - 2 x trackpointmissing - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x mousecursordriftsfrompossibletrackpaddamage - 1 x nobatterytotest - 1 x bottomcovermissing - 1 x stickerresidue - 1 x badlatch - 1 x lcdlightspot - 1 x hdcovermissing - 1 x backplatenotincluded - 1 x strippedscrewstuckinmiddleofbackofunit - 9 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 DELL LATITUDE E6430 - 3 x i5 3rd gen - 3 x i7 3rd gen - 3 x 4GB - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 16GB - 4 x 128GB SSD - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 320GB HD - 3 x nobattery - 3 x dentsonoutside - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x lcddirtywithunknowndriedliquidsplash - 1 x worncorners - 1 x stickerresidueontop - 1 x stickerresidue - 3 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL LATITUDE E6440 - 3 x i5 4th gen - 1 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 1 x 0 - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 256GB - 1 x worncorners - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x nobattery - 1 x missingrubbersealoverlcdbezel - 1 x addedgoodbattery - 1 x shortsacadapter - 1 x likelybadmobo - 1 x fixedmobo - 1 x no - 2 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE E6500 - CORE2 - 2GB - 160GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x paintoff - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE E6510 - I7 - 3GB - 160GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x smalldentsonside - 1 x stickerresidueontop - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL LATITUDE E6530 - 2 x i3 3rd gen - 1 x i5 3rd gen - 3 x 4GB - 1 x 320GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 320GB HD - 2 x dentsonoutside - 1 x crackedplasticofpalmrest - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 DELL LATITUDE E6540 - 6 x i5 4th gen - 6 x 8GB - 5 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 500GB HD - 4 x dentsonoutside - 1 x paintspotrubbedoffontop - 1 x stickeradhesiveonbottompanel - 1 x missingsddrivecartridge - 1 x stickerresidueonbottompanel - 1 x brokenbottompanel - 1 x brokencorner - 1 x discolorationonmousepadpanel - 1 x topcoverdents - 1 x topcoverdiscoloration - 1 x mousepadpanelpaintrubbedoffanddiscoloration - 1 x rubberbezelcomingundone - 1 x rubberbezeldamage - 1 x dentsonlaptopcoverlid - 1 x plasticcomingofftopcover - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 11 DELL LATITUDE E7240 - 11 x i5 4th gen - 11 x 8GB - 10 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 256GB - 2 x dentsonoutside - 2 x bezelrubbercomingoff - 1 x bezelrubberdamaged - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x stickerresidueontop - 1 x hairlinecrackalongbattery - 1 x bezelrubberloose - 1 x powerbuttondamaged - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL LATITUDE E7250 - i7 5th gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x crackedplasticabovekeyboard - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 DELL LATITUDE E7270 - 5 x i7 6th gen - 1 x i5 6th gen - 6 x 8GB - 5 x 512GB SSD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x nobattery - 1 x superficialcrackonbezel - 1 x stickerresidueontop - 1 x sdcardcoverhastinycrack - 1 x crackonbackcover - 1 x rubberoverlcdbezelisdamaged - 5 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 15 DELL LATITUDE E7440 - 15 x i5 4th gen - 13 x 8GB - 2 x 4GB - 10 x 256GB SSD - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 128GB SSD - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 250GB - 5 x dentsonoutside - 4 x crackedplastic - 3 x nobattery - 3 x wedonthavebattery - 2 x bezelrubbercomingoff - 1 x stickykeys - 1 x bottomscrewholesbroken - 1 x rearmetalbent - 1 x screenbezelrubbercomingoff - 1 x noisyfan - 1 x lcdhasinternalcrackinrighttopcorneralongwith1inchblackspotcausedbycrack - 12 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 16 DELL LATITUDE E7450 - 16 x i5 5th gen - 15 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 11 x 256GB SSD - 3 x 256GB - 2 x NO HD - 5 x crackedplastic - 3 x dentsonoutside - 1 x finishpeelingoff - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x backcoverscrewholebroken - 1 x nobattery - 1 x deepscratchontop - 1 x deepontop - 1 x cornerofbatterycasechipped - 1 x severedamagetotopcover - 1 x bottomplatechipped - 1 x bumpontop - 15 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 10 DELL LATITUDE E7470 - 10 x i7 6th gen - 10 x 8GB - 8 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x 512GB - 2 x nobattery - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x hingecoverbentindented - 8 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL P28F - PENTIUM N3530 - 4GB - 500GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x -nobatt - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL PRECISION 7530 - XEON E-2176M - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 7 DELL PRECISION M4400 - 7 x CORE2 - 6 x 4GB - 1 x 2GB - 3 x NO HD - 2 x 160GB HD - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 250GB SSD - 6 x crackedplastic - 2 x hdcovermissing - 1 x bottomcracked - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x wornanddentedspeakergrill - 1 x loosehinge - 1 x crackedbezel - 1 x topwontclosefully - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 DELL PRECISION M6300 - 3 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB - 1 x 8GB - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 120GB HD - 1 x 160GB HD - 2 x dentsonoutside - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x missingdiskdrive - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL PRECISION M6800 - i7 4th gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x missingkeysboardbezel - 1 x missinglefthingecoverandhddcaddy - 1 x fixedmobo - 1 x doesnotpoweron - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 DELL PRECISION M90 - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB - 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x 320GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL STUDIO 1745 - CORE2 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x stickyresidueonlid - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL VOSTRO 1510 - CORE2 - 1GB - 160GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL VOSTRO 3500 - i7 11th gen - 8GB - 240GB - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL VOSTRO2510 - CORE2 - 3GB - 320GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x crackedbezel - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL XPS 13 9300 - i7 10th gen - 16GB - 512GB - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 DELL XPS M1530 - CORE2 - 4GB - NO HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 FUJITSU FMVN - A6FE - 2 x CELERON - 2 x 4GB - 2 x 250GB HD - 1 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 GATEWAY M405 - CELERON - 1GB - 30GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 GATEWAY SOLO 5300 - PENTIUM III - 256MB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x nobatterytotest - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HEWLETT-PACKARD G60 - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE T4200 - 3GB - 320GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HEWLETT-PACKARD PAVILION DV6700 - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 3GB - 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x NO HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 11-D010WM - CELERON - 2GB - 31GB SSD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x integratedharddrive - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 530 - CORE2 - 1GB - 160GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP 620 - PENTIUM DUAL-CORE T4500 - 3GB - 320GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x nobatterytotest - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP COMPAQ 6510B - 3 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB - 1 x 1GB - 3 x 120GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 6530B - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB - 2 x 120GB HD - 2 x nobattery - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 6710B - CORE2 - 4GB - 128GB SSD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 6720S - CORE2 - 1GB - 120GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 6730B - CORE2 - 2GB - NO HD - 1 x missinghdcaddy - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP COMPAQ 6820S - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 160GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 8510P - CORE2 - 2GB - 160GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ 8710P - CORE2 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x trackpointmissing - 1 x manualinventory - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP COMPAQ NX7400 - T2300 - 512MB - 40GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedplastic - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP DC7900 - CORE2 - 4GB - NO HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 840 G5 - i5 8th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - 1 x bottomcoverbent - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP ELITEBOOK 840 G6 - 2 x i5 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 512GB SSD - 1 x bottomcoverbent - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 840 G7 - i5 10th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 8440P - I5 - 8GB - 250GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 845 G8 - AMD RYZEN 7 PRO 5850U WITH RADEON GRAPHICS - 8GB - 512GB - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 850 G6 - i5 8th gen - 8GB - 256GB - 1 x stickerresidues - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP ELITEBOOK 850 G7 - 2 x i5 10th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 256GB - 2 x dentsonoutsidepanel - 1 x stickerresidue - 1 x stickerresidueonbottompanel - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK 850 G8 - i5 11th gen - 16GB - NO HD SSD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK FOLIO 9470M - i5 3rd gen - 8GB - 250GB SSD - 1 x nobattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP ELITEBOOK X360 1030 G2 - 3 x i5 7th gen - 3 x 8GB - 1 x 256GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x onbackpanel - 1 x bottompaneldoesnotclosefully - 1 x nobattery - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentoncorner - 2 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK X360 1030 G3 - i7 8th gen - 8GB - 256GB - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP ELITEBOOK X360 1040 G5 - 2 x i5 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 128GB - 1 x bottompanelrubbermountrippedoff - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x smalldentsonoutside - 1 x nobattery - 1 x dentsonoutsidepanel - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 8 HP ELITEBOOK X360 1040 G6 - 5 x i7 8th gen - 3 x i5 8th gen - 5 x 16GB - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 0 - 2 x NO HD - 2 x 128GB - 2 x 256GB - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 5 x screwaremissing - 3 x dentsonoutside - 1 x bottompanelbadlydamagedcracked - 1 x keymissing - 1 x bottompanelrubbermounttornoff - 1 x bottompanelmultiplecracks - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x nobattery - 1 x rubbermountonbottompaneltornoff - 1 x crackedplasticpanel - 1 x onbottompanel - 1 x darkontoplid - 1 x bottompanelrubbermountrippedoffdamaged - 1 x onlid - 1 x ontop - 7 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP ELITEBOOK X360 1040 G8 NOTEBOOK - 4 x i5 11th gen - 1 x i7 11th gen - 4 x 16GB - 1 x 0 - 3 x 256GB - 1 x 500GB - 1 x 512GB SSD - 2 x dentsonoutside - 1 x bentrear - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x dirtybottompanel - 1 x stickerresidue - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x smallcrackbottompanel - 1 x bigdentsonoutsidepanel - 1 x bentside - 1 x bottompanelcracked - 1 x dentsonoutsidepanel - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 HP ELITEBOOK X360 830 G6 - 3 x i7 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 16GB - 2 x 256GB - 1 x NO HD - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 2 x nobattery - 1 x sidebentbezel - 1 x keymissing - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x stickerresidueontop - 1 x bottompanelrubbermountmissing - 1 x batteryinphotodamagedbutbatteryporttestedandpassed - 1 x bottompanelrubberpadrippedoff - 1 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ELITEBOOK X360 830 G7 NOTEBOOK - i5 10th gen - 8GB - 256GB - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentsonoutsidepanel - 1 x bottompanelrubbermountdamaged - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP ENVY LAPTOP 13-AH0XXX - i5 8th gen - 8GB - 500GB SSD - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x somekeysdonotwork - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP LAPTOP 15-BS2XX - 2 x PENTIUM SILVER N5000 - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PAVILION TS 15 - AMD A8-4555M APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x deepscrapesonlid - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP PAVILION X360 CONVERTIBLE 14M-CD0XXX - 5 x i3 8th gen - 5 x 8GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x 128GB SSD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x NO HD SSD - 2 x somekeysdonotwork - 1 x possiblebadkbd - 1 x crackinsidelid - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PAVILION X360 CONVERTIBLE 14M-DH0XXX - 2 x i3 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 128GB SSD - 1 x brokenplastic - 1 x badkbd - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 4310S - CORE2 - 4GB - 320GB HD - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 450 G2 - i3 4th gen - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PROBOOK 450 G5 - 1 x i5 7th gen - 1 x i7 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x somekeysdontwork - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 450 G6 - i5 8th gen - 8GB - 256GB - 1 x bentside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PROBOOK 4510S - 2 x CORE2 - 1 x 2GB - 1 x 3GB - 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x 320GB HD - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 2 x nobattery - 1 x crackedplasticonback - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 4530S - i3 2nd gen - 4GB - 500GB HD - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x crackonbackcover - 1 x dentsonpalmrest - 1 x dentoncorner - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PROBOOK 4710S - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 3GB - 2 x 320GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 5310M - CORE2 - 4GB - 320GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedbackcover - 1 x nobatterytotest - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 640 G1 - i5 4th gen - 4GB - 128GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 HP PROBOOK 640 G2 - 2 x i5 6th gen - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x crackedbezel - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x palmrestcracked - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 640 G3 - i5 7th gen - 8GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x missinghingecover - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 6460B - i5 2nd gen - 8GB - 320GB HD - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 6470B - i5 3rd gen - 4GB - 500GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 HP PROBOOK 650 G1 - i5 4th gen - 8GB - 250GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 5 HP X2 210 G2 - 5 x ATOM - 5 x 4GB - 5 x 62GB SSD - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x missingkeys - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x smallscratchonscreen - 1 x outerscreenhascrack - 1 x scratchonlcd - 1 x dentedcorner - 1 x wearoncorners - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 IBM 170997U - PENTIUM M - 2GB - 40GB HD - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 IBM THINKPAD A31 - 4 x PENTIUM P4 M - 3 x 512MB - 1 x 256MB - 4 x NO HD - 4 x hdcovermissing - 3 x unabletobootintospecgather - 2 x nobattery - 1 x unabletoboottospecgather - 1 x hdcaddymissing - 2 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO B560 4330 - I3 - 2GB - NO HD - 1 x manualinv - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO IDEAPAD 330-15IGM - PENTIUM SILVER N5000 - 4GB - 500GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO IDEAPAD S205 - AMD E-350 - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKBOOK 14S YOGA ITL - 3 x i7 11th gen - 3 x 8GB - 2 x 512GB - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x screwaremissing - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentedcorner - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD - 1 x i7 4th gen - 1 x i7 6th gen - 1 x 8GB - 1 x 12GB - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x 256GB - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x replacedkeyboard - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD E14 GEN 3 - AMD RYZEN 5 5500U WITH RADEON GRAPHICS - 8GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD E14 GEN 4 - i5 12th gen - 16GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 13 LENOVO THINKPAD E15 - 8 x i5 10th gen - 5 x i7 10th gen - 12 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 11 x 512GB SSD - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 500GB - 4 x dentsonoutside - 2 x crackedplastic - 2 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x stickerresidue - 1 x bentscreenpanel - 1 x badspeakers - 1 x brokenbottomcover - 1 x crackbottomfrontpanel - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD E15 G4 - other (notes) - 8GB - NO HD - 1 x cpuisi7-1255u - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 29 LENOVO THINKPAD E15 GEN 2 - 17 x i7 11th gen - 12 x i5 11th gen - 29 x 8GB - 25 x 512GB SSD - 1 x 512GB - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB ssd - 1 x 500GB SSD - 3 x crackedplastic - 1 x 1badhdport - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x dentedcorner - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 7 LENOVO THINKPAD E15 GEN 4 - 4 x i7 12th gen - 3 x i5 12th gen - 7 x 8GB - 4 x 512GB SSD - 2 x NO HD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 1badhdport - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x 1damagedhdport - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x curvedlid - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD E450 - i3 5th gen - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x missinghdcaddy - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD E475 - 3 x AMD A10-9600P RADEON R5, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C 6G - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 3 x 256GB SSD - 2 x crackedplastic - 1 x wedonthavebattery - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD E555 - 2 x AMD A6-7000 RADEON R4, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C 3G - 2 x 4GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 500GB HD - 1 x crackedplasticonbattery - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD E565 - 2 x AMD A6-8500P RADEON R5, 6 COMPUTE CORES 2C 4G - 1 x AMD A10-8700P RADEON R6, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C 6G - 2 x 4GB - 1 x 8GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x rightshiftkeymissing - 1 x missingwifibackcover - 1 x keyboardnotworkingproperly - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD E575 - 2 x AMD PRO A6-9500B R5, 6 COMPUTE CORES 2C 4G - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x keymissing - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x cornerloose - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD E580 - i5 8th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD E585 - 2 x AMD RYZEN 3 2200U - 1 x AMD RYZEN 3 3200U - 3 x 4GB - 3 x NO HD - 2 x manualinventory - 1 x crackedbackcover - 1 x nobattery - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x brokenplasticneartrackpad - 2 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 8 LENOVO THINKPAD E590 - 4 x i5 8th gen - 4 x i7 8th gen - 8 x 8GB - 4 x 512GB SSD - 2 x 500GB SSD - 1 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB - 1 x screenbezeldamaged - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x dentsonoutside - 1 x bottompanelgatedamage - 1 x onfingerprintscanner - 1 x chippedethernetport - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD EDGE E440 - i3 4th gen - 4GB - 250GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD EDGE E545 - 2 x AMD A8-5550M APU WITH RADEON HD GRAPHICS - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 2 x nobattery - 1 x stickyresidueonlid - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD P1 - i7 8th gen - 4GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x shreddingonside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD P14S GEN 2 - i7 11th gen - 16GB - 512GB - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD P14S GEN 2I - 3 x i7 11th gen - 3 x 16GB - 3 x 512GB SSD - 2 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD P15 GEN 1 - i7 10th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD P50 - XEON E3-1535M V5 - 32GB - 128GB SSD - 1 x bottomcovermissing - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD P51 - i7 7th gen - 8GB - 500GB HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD S1 YOGA 12 - i7 5th gen - 8GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD SL300 - CORE2 - 2GB - NO HD - 1 x bottomcovermissing - 1 x hdcovermissing - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD T14 GEN 1 - i5 10th gen - 16GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD T400 - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 4GB - 2 x NO HD - 2 x hdcovermissing - 2 x screwaremissing - 1 x nobattery - 1 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 19 LENOVO THINKPAD T440 - 19 x i7 4th gen - 18 x 8GB - 1 x 4GB - 8 x NO HD - 4 x 128GB SSD - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x 500GB - 1 x 120GB SSD - 1 x 250GB HD - 1 x 16GB SSD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 7 x crackedplastic - 3 x crackedbackcover - 1 x crackedplasticpanel - 1 x crackabovekeyboard - 1 x keymissing - 1 x dentsonoutside - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD T440S - 2 x i5 4th gen - 1 x 4GB - 1 x 8GB - 2 x 512GB SSD - 1 x usbportbent - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x backpanelcracked - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD T470S - i5 6th gen - 8GB - 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD T470S W10DG - 3 x i5 6th gen - 3 x 8GB - 3 x 256GB SSD - 1 x bottontamperdetectionswitchbroken - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 9 LENOVO THINKPAD T480S - 8 x i5 8th gen - 1 x i7 8th gen - 9 x 8GB - 8 x 256GB SSD - 1 x 512GB SSD - 1 x replacedkeyboard - 1 x logofaded - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 LENOVO THINKPAD T490S - 2 x i5 8th gen - 1 x i7 8th gen - 2 x 8GB - 1 x 16GB - 3 x 256GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD T495S - AMD RYZEN 7 PRO 3700U W - RADEON VEGA MOBILE - 16GB - 1.024GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD T60 - CORE2 - 1GB - NO HD - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 LENOVO THINKPAD T60P - 1 x CORE2 - 1 x T2600 - 2 x 3GB - 1 x NO HD - 1 x 128GB SSD - 1 x hdcovermissing - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD T61 - CORE2 - 2GB - 80GB HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD W510 - I7 - 4GB - 500GB SSD - 1 x nobattery - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD X1 CARBON 7TH - i7 10th gen - 16GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 LENOVO THINKPAD X1 YOGA 1ST - 4 x i7 6th gen - 4 x 8GB - 2 x 512GB SSD - 2 x 256GB SSD - 3 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD X1 YOGA 2ND - i7 7th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD X61 TABLET - CORE2 - 2GB - 80GB HD - 1 x keymissing - 1 x missinghdcover - 1 x crackedplastic - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 4 LENOVO THINKPAD YOGA 260 - 2 x i7 6th gen - 2 x i5 6th gen - 4 x 8GB - 2 x 256GB SSD - 2 x NO HD - 3 x missingpen - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x crackedbackcover - 1 x crackbottomcover - 3 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO THINKPAD YOGA 370 - i7 7th gen - 8GB - 512GB SSD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 LENOVO X200 THINKPAD - 2 DUO - 4GB - NO HD - 1 x intelcore2duol9600 - 1 x manualinventory - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 6 MICROSOFT SURFACE GO - 6 x PENTIUM 4415Y - 6 x 4GB - 6 x 62GB SSD - 1 x bottominchofscreendead - all with battery and power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 MICROSOFT SURFACE PRO - i5 7th gen - 8GB - 256GB SSD - 1 x includeskeyboard - 1 x outerlcdglasscracked-lcdworkood - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 MICROSOFT SURFACE PRO 3 - i5 4th gen - 4GB - 128GB SSD - 1 x includeskeyboard - 1 x outerlcdglassiscracked - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 MICROSOFT SURFACE PRO 4 - 2 x i5 6th gen - 2 x 8GB - 2 x 256GB SSD - 1 x lcdhasonewhitespotinbottomcenter - 1 x includeskeyboard - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 3 PANASONIC CF-19CDBAXVM - 3 x DUO U2400 - 2 x 2.5GB - 1 x 4GB - 2 x 500GB HD - 1 x NO HD - 1 x nobattery - 2 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 PANASONIC CF-29N - AQGZBM - PENTIUM M - 2GB - NO HD - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 PANASONIC CF-30FTSAXAM - CORE2 - 3GB - 80GB HD - 1 x missingchargerportcover - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SAMSUNG CHROMEBOOK 4 XE310XBA - CELERON - 4GB - 32GB - 1 x andstorage - all with battery and power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SONY VGN-SZ340P - CORE2 - 1GB - 100GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x nobatterytotest - 1 x hingecovercracked - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SONY VGN-SZ640N - CORE2 - 2GB - 160GB HD - 1 x nobattery - 1 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x ramcovermissing - 0 with battery and all with power supply

$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 2 SONY VGN-SZ645P - 2 x CORE2 - 2 x 2GB - 1 x 120GB HD - 1 x 160GB HD - 2 x nobattery - 2 x wedonthavebattery - 1 x nobatterytotest - 1 x cddrivemissing - 1 x crackedplastic - 1 x dentedramcover - 1 x 5v - 1 x 19 - 1 x sidesaredamaged - 0 with battery and all with power supply
$ Each - $ Take all - Qty 1 SONY VPCS111FM - I5 - 4GB - 500GB HD - all with battery and power supply